Great User Onboarding: How do you achieve it?

Chiebuka Edwin
2 min readNov 28, 2020
Onboarding Image

Getting users to come back after using a product for the first time is crucial for the success of any product, and thats why proper attention must be paid to design a great onboarding flow for the product.

In Seth Godin book “Purple cow” he says “Something Remarkable is worth talking about”.

You need your users to remember what it was like to use your app, for the first time, cos its at that moment they decide, if they will come back to use your product again.

When you are building a product, it’s important to do two things well to get newly acquired users to continue using your product.

  1. Wow them
  2. Empower them.

Wow your newly acquired user

Helping the newly acquired user get to a point where he is really wowed by the product is a game changer, cos its at that moment that the user registers your product in their head.

Creating a wow moment is not too difficult, you just have to find a point in your onboarding flow to do something that really stands out to your user.

Empower your newly acquired user

Kathy Sierra the author of Badass says something “Upgrade your user, not the product. Value is less about the stuff and more about the stuff the stuff enables. Don’t build better cameras — build better photographers.”

When creating an onboarding experience, you don’t need the user to learn how to use the whole product at once, what you need tho is that the user learns how to perform a task that concerns them very well.

So what’s the one thing your app can help a user do better when he downloads it, that should be the focus of your onboarding, getting the user to feel fulfilled by accomplishing that one task that would make them better than when they first arrived.

About the Author

Chiebuka Edwin is Growth product Manager at Choxquiz, an app that is focused on making Trivia more fun and engaging, while allowing you to win cash prices. hit me up via my twitter handle @harric_edwin



Chiebuka Edwin

I build tools for the gospel currently learning to build and run a scalable business