15 Key Lessons from Sell or be Sold by Grant Cardone

Chiebuka Edwin
5 min readNov 21, 2018

Everyone sells

There is not a single person on earth who does not sell, you are either selling your skills, time or even selling an idea/vision.

That moment you convinced your friends to go watch a movie with you or when you worked your way to a pay raise or you got a lady to go on a date with you, was all sales.

So the faster you internalize this fact the better for you to go on and achieve great success. It does not matter what career path you choose for your self, for you to become the best and rise up the ladder in your career you must learn to sell.

Lack of sales = failure in business

Businesses are built for profit, except you are running an NGO or charity.

So if a business succeeds by profits, of which can only be gotten by selling the product, then that becomes a crucial aspect of a business. And if founders lack this one important skill, their business fails.

People don’t like selling because they are lazy

Rejection has been the reason many people give as to why they don’t want to go into selling, well the truth is that no one actually likes to be rejected instead, the key reason why many people don’t want to learn to sell is that they are lazy.

Most people are not cut out for the amount of work necessary to land the sale, so they blame it on rejection rather than on their own laziness.

Practice = More Sales

There is no shortcut to becoming better at sales than actually selling and learning from each sale.

Only through practice and commitment can you become a master of any skill.

You must be 100% sold on your product

If you don’t absolutely believe that what you are selling is the best thing since sliced bread, you would struggle to get a sale.

Like how can you convince me to buy from you when you are not 100% convinced of the product benefits?

One of your core duties as a salesman is to transfer your certainty of the product to your buyer. So before you go to sell anyone on a product believe totally in the benefits of the product.

Price is not your Buyers biggest concern

The popular belief is that the main reason why the sale was not closed was that of price, this is far from the truth, price plays one of the least roles in convincing your buyer to make the purchase.

Show your prospect the value of the product and how it helps them solve a problem and also move them to a certainty of 100% and you will see that price won't be an issue.

Selling is 80% people and 20% product

It is crucial you know your customer very well, his pain points, what he loves and what to achieve as this is very crucial to landing a sale.

Having only knowledge about Product and benefits without a thorough knowledge of the people you are selling to equates to minimal results. You have to know your customers well enough to address their pains and needs if you want to ever make that sale.

Communication = sales

Just talking about your product is not communication, to become a master salesman, you must be adept at listening and asking valid questions to get to know your customer well. Remember, you are in the peoples business.

Your ability to uncover your prospects pain points and value during a sale conversation is crucial to you uncovering needs and making the sale.

Always Agree with your customers

According to Grant Cardone, this is the most violated sales rule ever.

You can’t make a sale by disagreeing with the buyer first, even if the buyer is not correct, you must learn to agree with him on his own point to be able to make him open to your suggestion and buy from you.

If the buyer’s objection is that the price is too high, you agree with him first but also remind him of the value and why he should make the purchase now.

Your Buyer Does not trust you

If you must become better at selling, you would have to enter every sales meeting with the mindset that the buyer does not trust you.

This helps to reinforce the need to gain the buyer to trust early in the sales conversation. One of the key ways to get the buyers trust is to establish credibility by making the user understand that you are an expert in your field.

Another key is to always show the buyer a physical proof of your product value not just telling him, Present a written down proposal, bring a demo of the product etc.

A genuine Desire to serve

You have to have a genuine desire to serve not just to sell. Paying attention to the customer so you can help serve him is crucial to winning the trust and loyalty of that customer. Always give your 100% attention to the customer.

Remain persistent

Be willing to remain persistent to get the sell. As Most times, the buyers might have reasons to not want to purchase from you, but because you are totally sold on the benefits of the product or service you are selling, you remain consistent with the buyer until you close him.

Take Massive Action

Learn to take massive action, don't be satisfied with little efforts but look in to give all you can at every given time. If you want appointments, call every friend you have or past client, be always willing to put in a massive amount of work to get the job done.

Have a Great Attitude

Everyone wants to feel good, becoming a great salesman is about having an attitude that people would love, as most customers want a great service and also want to be treated well. If you come into a sales conversation with a gloomy or harsh attitude, you would struggle to make a sale, as your prospective customers would go to a place where they would feel valued.

Always treat your buyers with value, people would forget what they bought from you, but they won't forget how you make them feel.

Grant Cardone says that the individual who combines a great attitude with a great product becomes unstoppable!

Bonus: Make efficient use of your network to land your first sales, it is easier to sell to someone you know, than someone you don't know.

Never Justify Failure

Some people start comforting themselves when things do not go according to plan, some may begin to pin the blame on the customer and everything apart from themselves. This is not the attitude of a great salesman.

If a sales do not go your way, this is the perfect opportunity to restrategize and find out where u went wrong and correct it.

Thanks for reading,

Follow me on twitter @harrric_edwin



Chiebuka Edwin

I build tools for the gospel currently learning to build and run a scalable business